
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why it's okay to screech at the Manosphere

Writes OneSTDV:
The $PLC did recently profile the so-called "Manosphere" as a community rife with "guttural hatred" ...

The race realist blogosphere, loosely defined as the sites on my blogroll, does not have a similar profile on $PLC. $PLC only has one article about Steve Sailer on their site, so one presumes the rest of the HBD-osphere has not caught their attention yet (or maybe this week we'll be in for a surprise!). One wonders though why exactly the HBD-osphere doesn't have its own section on the site as does the Manosphere.
One excerpts the $PLC's condemnation, from which at least part of the answer is contained within:
Some of the sites make an attempt ... to back their arguments with facts.
That's actually quite a generous concession for the $PLC to make, and I suspect it's lacking in sincerity. That the manosphere and game blogs are virtually fact-free zones is a big reason why the $PLC and associates don't fear them as much as they do HBDers, who they putatively ignore, though I know Steve Sailer in particular is monitored very heavily by a lot of different people and organizations. One observes:
It is indeed very perplexing that there is exactly one article on SPLC about Sailer and it's just excoriating CNN for citing him awhile back.
Similarly, Media Matters has gone after him, too, but in a similarly indirect way, for example, hammering MSNBC for providing him a forum on cable television and censuring the Washington Times for excerpting him. Not only do they not want HBD ideas entertained, they don't even want anyone to be aware that they exist.


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