
Sunday, March 11, 2012

++Addition++Steve Sailer comments.


Steve Sailer comments on an article in YNet News about how "Israeli youth" (defined as those under the age of 30) are shifting politically to the right, specifically in their desire to join IDF combat units:
Although much of this is driven by the huge, subsidized fertility of the ultra-Orthodox in Israel, I suspect it reflects global trends, which in other countries tend to be masked by growing demographic diversity.
The GSS allows us to check the racial composition issue, but not mate it. Until the year 2000, the survey only broke racial classifications into three categories (white, black, other), so "white" includes Hispanics who considered themselves white rather than choosing the flattering "other" category. The following table shows the average conservatism score (on a 7 point scale, with 1 being "extremely liberal" and 7 being "extremely conservative") of whites aged 18-29 by half decade:

Late 70s3.63
Early 80s3.93
Late 80s4.01
Early 90s4.03
Late 90s3.93
Early 00s3.94
Late 00s3.98

From the eighties onward, it's pretty much been steady as she goes for the youth cohort, with the median settling almost exactly at the moderate (4) position.

However, there are a lot of things tied up in the labels "liberal" and "conservative" in the US that don't necessarily fit neatly into the question of whether or not an increase in authoritarianism has occurred among young people. The following table shows the percentages of whites (as previously defined) aged 18-29 who expressed "a great deal of confidence" in the US military, again by half decade:

Late 70s35.3%
Early 80s29.1%
Late 80s37.6%
Early 90s50.8%
Late 90s42.9%
Early 00s54.6%
Late 00s57.0%

Over the last decade, despite the dragged out wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, high levels of confidence in the US military among teenagers and young adults has been the norm, a noticeable departure from decades past.

While it's necessary to point out that confidence in the military has risen among all respondents over the same period of time, the rise among the young has been steeper. In the seventies and into the eighties, confidence in the military was lower among young whites than it was among the population as a whole, but by the nineties this had clearly reversed, with young whites expressing greater confidence in the military than the rest of the population does, and it has remained that way ever since.

Steve's insight isn't just domestic, though. The WVS potentially offers some insight into the question at the international level as well. I'll tap it next in an attempt to keep up with his ambitious mind.

GSS variables used: CONARMY(1)(2-3), AGE(18-29), RACE(1), POLVIEWS, YEAR(1974-1979)(1980-1984)(1985-1989)(1990-1994)(1995-1999)(2000-2004)(2005-2010)


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