
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

' is not a valid character

Steve Sailer writes:
This would make a pretty good sketch comedy running joke -- L'qisjha Jones, Affirmative Action Arbiter -- as various people try to bluff their way past L'qisjha, each rejected with the same punchline.
That doesn't actually appear to be a given black name (at least not yet), but it reminds me of a funny thing that happened a couple of years ago. At the company I work for, we were using a new in-house program that had been working fine, without incident, for a couple of months, but then ended up having to send it back to our programmers for a rework when we discovered, thanks to a new client named L'Tisha, that it wouldn't recognize an apostrophe in the Name: field. Even though we're a privately held company, we of course did the prudent thing and incurred the expense of making the program change rather than running the risk of someone--perhaps L'Tisha!--accusing us of being racists.


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