
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The hard-line conservative majority

I know, I know, pointing out a leftward skew in the major media is old hat. Jaded as I am, though, I'm still occasionally surprised by just how blatant the bias can be. From a story this morning on former corporate sponsors dropping their memberships to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) under pressure from Color of Change (what a surprise!), testosterone-laden NPR correspondent Peter Overby reported:
Coca-Cola's announcement came hours after a civil rights group,, launched an online drive calling on Coca-Cola to stop underwriting the ALEC agenda on voter ID laws in several states.

It's part of a much broader campaign to spotlight companies that sell products to a public that might object to hard-line conservative policies such as stand your ground laws or requirements that voters show a photo ID at the polls.
I've not seen scientific polling data on "stand your ground" laws, but to describe the requirement that voters present photo identification when voting as "hard-line conservative" is to commit journalistic malpractice more severe than what occurs when ethno-nationalist parties across Europe are lazily and disingenuously amalgamated under the descriptor "far right". A Rasmussen poll from last year revealed that 75% of the American public supports the photo ID requirement.

Three in four Americans are hard-line conservatives? If only! A far more accurate approach would be to describe these policies as "populist", but, while every good SWPL is wary of populism, it doesn't quite cause weeping and gnashing of the teeth like "hard-line conservative" or "far right" does.


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