
Monday, April 23, 2012

Cop killing by race, gender

There are commonly held feelings ranging from mistrust to downright hatred of the police shared by many in the black community. The police, for their part, tend to spend a disproportionate (inordinate?) amount of time dealing with blacks because they're the ones who engage in a disproportionate amount of criminal activity. Cats go where the mice play.

Criminals are a formidable breed of mouse, though, and sometimes they kill the cats who are after them. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) tracks the racial and sexual characteristics of perpetrators who feloniously killed law enforcement officers from 2001 through the end of 2010.

I wondered how much more (or less--I always keep an open mind!) likely blacks are to murder cops and other agents than whites are. Unfortunately, for reasons probably attributable to intentional obfuscation for anti-racist purposes, Hispanics are not broken out separately and consequently the vast majority of them are grouped in with whites, causing the white baseline to be more murderous than the non-Hispanic white baseline would be if it was identifiable. Curiously, when it comes to hate crime victimization (but not perpetration), data on Hispanics are tracked, however. But I digress.

Anyway, the proceeding table shows the rates of cop killing for non-whites relative to the white rate. In other words, a rate of 100% indicates cop killing that is exactly equal to the white rate; anything less than 100% indicates a lower rate of cop killing relative to whites and anything above it indicates a higher rate:

American Indian173%

The cop killing gender gap dwarfs the cop killing racial gap, though. Men are 4,957% more likely than women are to murder law enforcement agents.


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