
Sunday, January 8, 2012

In an intriguing article where he wonders if "disgust homeostasis" is inherent in human nature, the Derb writes:
My impression of educated younger Americans is that they don’t mind homosexuality at all.
That impression is assuredly correct, but TAE's raison d'etre is to validate stereotypes, so please indulge me as I do just that.

The GSS doesn't explicitly ask respondents how they feel about homosexual acts, but support or lack thereof for same-sex marriage provides a pretty good indication of their sentiments. Among those with at least 16 years of education (equivalent to a bachelor's degree or more), aged 24-30, from 2008 and 2010 for contemporary relevance--that is, among contemporary educated younger Americans--63.6% support it, while only 21.5% oppose. Among the broader public, 42.7% support it and 44.4% oppose.

GSS variables used: MARHOMO(1-2)(4-5), AGE(24-30), EDUC(16-20), YEAR(2008-2010)


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