
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Martin Luther King, Jr. is reported to have said the following in a speech to staff members in 1966:
We are saying that something is wrong ... with capitalism ... There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.
Nearly half a century later, that dream still appears to live on in the hearts and minds of a majority of America's black population.

The source of this assertion comes from Pew's recently released report on word associations. The invaluable organization often (though not always!) goes where other polling and survey organizations--even those putatively on the right--refuse to go. Pew breaks down responses by race and ethnicity, among other things. The following table shows the percentages of participants, by race, who have positive and negative reactions to the term "socialism". The fourth column shows net favorability, computed by simply taking the positive reaction percentages and subtracting from them the negative reaction percentages:


While a slight plurality of Hispanics are averse to socialism, likely stemming from having had some experience with it if not first-hand then vicariously through relatives in Central and South America, they are not positively disposed towards capitalism, either. The same table, this time for the term "capitalism":


How widely known is it that black feelings towards socialism mirror white feelings towards capitalism, and that a majority of blacks both react positively to the idea of socialism and react negatively to the idea of capitalism? Can Steve Innskeep handle the truth?

I'd love to hear a free market open borders leftist like Thomas Friedman challenged on how he squares the Hispanic preference for socialism over capitalism with the claim that the US should open its borders "as wide as possible".

Even the Occupy Wall Street movement, which, despite claiming to represent the 99%, is comprised almost entirely of whites (who only constitute 63% of the US' population and a mere 15% or so of the world's), is less inclined towards socialism than either blacks or Hispanics are, with 39% of those who support the movement expressing positive feelings towards socialism while 52% of OWS supporters react negatively towards it.

The Pew report should also help direct the attacks of mainstream radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity towards a new target. "Liberal" has been beaten to death to such an extent that it only carries positive connotations with it in the minds of half (50%) of the population, compared to "conservative" (62%) and the new target, "progressive" (67%). Even among Republicans a majority (55%) is favorably inclined towards the term "progressive". Time for the ditto heads to get to work!

Parenthetically, Hispanics express warmer feelings (67%) towards "liberal" than whites (45%) or even blacks (54%) do, another blatantly obvious reason for the Republican Establishment to keep clamoring for amnesty and open borders!

To the extent that the GOP will be able to bring younger Americans into that 'big tent' Republican pols are always blathering on about, it will be by way of their libertarian (read Ron Paul), not neocon, ideas. The following table shows the percentages who elicit positive and negative feelings towards the term "libertarian" by age group, with the fourth column showing net favorability, computed by simply taking the positive reaction percentages and subtracting from them the negative reaction percentages:



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