
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The size of the secular right

The NYT recently profiled Secular Right, one of the many sites Razib has created. The Times article gives only a very general consideration to the size of the site's natural readership base:
They are part of a small faction on the right: conservatives with no use for religion.
I wondered what percentage of people in the US could be categorized as such. Turning to the GSS, I found the percentage of respondents who indicated they were either "conservative" or "extremely conservative" and who said in response to the question on belief in God that they either "do not believe in God" (functionally atheist) or that they "don't know whether there is a God and [they] don't believe there is any way to find out" (functionally agnostic). For contemporary relevance, only data from 2000 onward were considered.

The constituency constitutes a whopping 0.67%, or 1 in 150 people, or two million people in a country of 310 million.

The few, the proud, the--well, there are probably more Marines or former Marines around than there are secular rightists, I suppose.

GSS variables used: YEAR(2000-2008), GOD, POLVIEWS


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