
Saturday, March 12, 2011

From an NPR book review earlier this week:
Oreo is the story of a biracial daughter of an African-American woman and Jewish father... The vehicle towards humor is the quirks of language in Jewish and black culture [sic], and at every turn takes the reader deeper into the satire, and into the heart of American identity.
A story about the daughter of a black woman and a Jewish father who abandons them is at the heart of American identity? You really can't make this stuff up. It's so blatantly preposterous that it is beyond parody. A whopping 0.2% of married white men have a black spouse. Roughly 1 in 40 white men in the US are Jewish. Yep, right at the heart of American identity.

The afternoon news show's title, "All Things Considered", is a misnomer almost on par with Orwell's most notorious. There are far more factually and historically grounded attempts to get at the heart of American identity that would never be considered by government radio.

Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn has reintroduced a bill first put forward in the 111th Congress for consideration in the 112th. If you're of the same mind, encourage your representative and Senators to support HR 68. It's as easy as emailing each of them a cut+paste message that identifies the legislation's name (either HR 68 or the bill to prohibit federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting) and your opposition to funding a partisan organization using taxpayer dollars in an age of infinite media alternatives and an annual federal budget deficit approaching $2 trillion.

There is blood in the water. The time to act is now.


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