
Sunday, August 8, 2010

++Addition++In the comments, n/a writes the following:

Many of the black and white search suggestions make more sense if you realize they are primarily giving insight into the minds of blacks (not a random sample of internet users). Black people think about blacks (and think about whites as "white") much more than white people do -- on top of which I suspect lower IQ people are more likely to type search queries in the form of questions.

It's not white men typing "why are white men intimidated by black women". The only people who think white men are intimidated by (or attracted to) black women are black women. It's a classic black female rationalization for why they don't get approached by white men.

Likewise it's black women who think white women are jealous of them, wonder why black men are "on the down low", and believe white women are attracted to black men (because the white women who catch their attention are disproportionately those with black men), etc.

It's probably Asian women who think white women are jealous of Asian women.

Agnostic had a great post a couple of months back on Google search suggestions filling out what has been entered up to that point. He looked at variations of "why are guys/girls ..." Rather than rehash it here, give it a read if you haven't yet done so.

I'm shamelessly stealing his idea with the added elements of race and ethnicity thrown in. As those familiar with Google know, the returns are in order of interest, (presumably) based on aggregate totals of searches with what has been entered up to that point included. The following suggested phrases are consequently ordered in this way.

"Why are white men" attracted to black women, so ugly, serial killers, dating black women, not attracted to black women, attracted to Asian women, intimidated by black men, so racist, intimidated by black women.

Interracial marriage and cohabitation rates don't lend credence to the idea that white men tend to be attracted to black women. That the first and fifth suggestions are directly opposed to one another demonstrates that there obviously isn't uniformity in the stereotypes people hold about different groups.

The perceived attraction to Asian women is justified by the data, however.

I believe n/a of RHE Notes has remarked that white men spend a disproportionate amount of time worrying about and comparing themselves with blacks. White men are the only group for which intimidation by some other group comes up among the top nine returns.

Whenever the issue of black criminality is brought up, a SWPL can always be relied on to note that most serial killers are white men, as though that somehow proves there are no real differences in rates of criminal behavior by race. It is not surprising that most serial killers are indeed white men, since men perpetrate more than 90% of all violent crime and the majority of the US' population is white. As La Griffe has shown, however, black men are still about twice as likely to become serial killers as white men are. Parenthetically, blacks are similarly twice as likely to engage in hate crime as are whites.

And, of course, white men are racist, as are white women and Hispanics. Although there are several reasons to believe blacks are more racialist than whites are, returns for blacks, as shown below, do not include anything about racism.

"Why are white women" so beautiful, jealous of Asian women, so hot, so racist, so ugly, attracted to black men, so easy, jealous of black women, so skinny, so attractive.

Jealousness of Asian women and attraction to black men are both justified by the data (though it needs to be remembered that the spouses of some 97% of married whites are white as well). That there are different patterns depending on sex (ie, white men/Asian women, black men/white women, Asian men and black women left out in the cold) among the remaining 3% that people are quite interested in for one reason or another is a testament of how salient race is, despite tripe about it being a "social construction".

The idea of white women being jealous of black women seems to come out of left field to me.

"Why are black men" bigger, attracted to white women, so angry, better in bed, so violent, violent, so lazy, on the down low, so ugly, obsessed with white women.

When people think of racial stereotypes, black men are surely the most conspicuous group that comes to mind. Trojan makes a style of condom, Magnums, that are larger than the rest of its product line. They come in a black box and are, in my experience, almost exclusively [actually, it appears that 40% of Magnums are purchased by black men, so it's their condom of choice, but whites buy them as well... just not this humble blogger, who is comfortable enough in who he is to admit that!] used by black men. Hence "bigger". The rest of the returns, with the odd exception of "on the down low", come as little surprise--SWPLs would point to the above and say it shows how ugly racism still exists (violent, angry, lazy), while HBD realists would counter that relative to whites, these adjectives are, on average, accurate.

"Why are black women" single, so angry, so rude, so loud, beautiful, angry, so mean, so overweight, losing their hair, obese.

With an illegitimacy rate today of nearly 70% for black babies, coupled with the fact that, like Asian men, black women lose out in the interracial mating game (they actually have it worse than Asian men do, as one-third of black men spend some amount of time incarcerated and are thus unavailable to black women who would otherwise be seeking them out), there is no shortage of single black women. A quick glance at Craigslist* confirms that.

The rest is pretty unflattering. If memory serves, in absolute terms, black females' waists are, on average, larger than the waists of black men. According to the CDC, some 37% of black women are obese (BMI of 30+). While the BMI has it's shortcomings for men (namely that guys like this are deemed "obese"), it is generally a good indicator for women. Thus we get "so overweight" and "obese".

"Why are Hispanics" short, at greater risk for PTSD, discriminated against, considered white, overweight, so racist, more obese, Catholic, rude, fat.

Unfortunately, Google only returns a couple suggestions for "why are Hispanic men" and "why are Hispanic women". While the term "Hispanic" definitionally refers to someone who speaks Spanish or is of Spanish descent, it generally brings to mind Amerindians, usually from Mexico. It is not Vicente Fox of Felipe Calderon who earn Hispanics their reputation for being physically short, it is the Amerindians who work on roofs and ride lawnmowers who do it.

That Hispanics can be of any race is a perpetual source of confusion for people. One always has to be cognizant of whether or not Hispanics (that is, Amerindians or Mestizos from south of the US border) are included in statistics on whites. When people think of white, they tend to have in their minds what is better described as "non-Hispanic white" by the Census, but the government often includes the majority of Hispanics in the white category (with the remainder either being characterized as black, two or more races, or "other", the latter being almost exclusively chosen by Hispanics).

Like black women, Hispanic women are also more likely to be overweight or obese than white women are. My impression is that Hispanic women are especially bad at carrying that extra weight, as it seems to congregate extensively in the worst place (the gut) for a woman to have excessive fat.

The "so racist" probably stems from the common perception among middle class white men that blacks and Hispanics have it out for each other (and because Hispanics tend to be more servile and less and threatening than blacks, the sloppy idea that Hispanics will take care of blacks in the city slums emerges from this line of thinking).

Like hair loss among black women, an increased risk of post traumatic stress disorder is not among the first things that come to mind when I think about Hispanics as a group.

"Why are Asian men" so ugly, ugly, so small, so skinny, so feminine, attractive, so weak, attracted to white women, feminine.

Ouch. While from it may appear from the outside looking in that teenage boys today are effeminate softies, a couple minutes in a WoW chatroom or a Halo 3 multiplayer reveals that stripped of authority figures forcing political correctness onto them, pussies and fags are among the most contemptible forms of life in the universe. The warrior spirit is alive among adolescent boys today, even if it manifests itself primarily in the virtual world. Compared to their black and white counterparts, Asian guys are more likely to have characteristics of those disrespected lifeforms.

"Why are Asian women" so thin, attracted to white men, so attractive, so rude, thin, so ugly, such bad drivers, flat, so small, so beautiful.

There are a handful of writeups on male penis size by things like nationality or race, but I'm unaware of any attempts to systematically measure bust size by the same. From personal experience though, I'm confident that "flat" is in the correct category here.

"Why are Jews" hated, liberal, rich, so cheap, so rich, so successful, Democrats, cheap, so smart, persecuted.

Like Hispanics, Google returns only a couple of suggestions for Jewish men and Jewish women. Read it and weep--people know what Jews are all about (think of "cheap" as a prodigal goy's underhanded way of acknowledging prudence and parsimony)!

Finally, the best for last:

"Audacious" epigone [my emphasis!], definition, skins, plugins, p, inquiry, meaning, synonym, in a sentence, ubuntu.

* Looking through the female-seeking-male postings for the Kansas City metro area, about half are by black women. Glancing through nearly 100 of them, I found only a single instance of someone who is clearly above a 3. Most are hopelessly unattractive. How sad.


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