
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Profile of a female philanderer

++Addition++Roissy notes that he previously discerned what the GSS shows. When the data agree with you...


The indefatigable Randall Parker of Parapundit and Futurepundit has been wondering about characteristics of women who cheat on their husbands relative to those who remain faithful. He suspects that women who are shy, religious, smart, and rural are the surest bets, the opposites presumably being archetypal floozies. Further, he thinks it likely that there are occupational differences as well.

In 2006, the GSS did deploy ten items to gauge Big Five personality traits, but they are not cross-referenced with data on marital fidelity. I have not been able to find anything else in the survey's library to get at shyness.

The relationships between faithfulness and religiosity, intelligence, community type, and occupation are all open to query, however.

In the proceeding tables, the value displayed is the percentage of women in the relevant category who report to have cheated on a spouse at some point.

CommunityCheat %
Big city14.2
Small town11.7

The differences are modest. Not surprisingly, closer proximity to other people and the perpetual bustle of city life is more conducive to running around. Sex and the Countryside doesn't quite get there.

ChurchgoingCheat %
Once a year18.2
Less than monthly12.8
Monthly but not weekly12.1
Almost every week9.3
At least weekly8.9

My advice stands: Marry someone who loves Jesus (and her father, too). Those who put forward some variation of the Pascalian Wager as an argument for why a man should attend services would benefit from including, at least tangentially, that church girls are golden.

Female respondents are divided into five groups of roughly equal size; Really Smarts (wordsum score of 9-10, comprising 13% of the population), Pretty Smarts (7-8, 26%), Normals (6, 22%), Pretty Dumbs (4-5, 27%), and Really Dumbs (0-3, 12%).

IntelligenceCheat %
Really smarts16.4
Pretty smarts11.5
Pretty dumbs11.7
Really dumbs6.9

I'm not sure that I would've predicted this, but openness to experience and intelligence are positively correlated. Especially unintelligent people are generally not savvy enough to pull off an extramarital fling even if they wanted to. Seems like the best bet is to go with the girl who is sharp enough to be an accountant or a school teacher, but not a high-powered senior partner of a law firm. Who wants a woman whose prestige is higher than yours, anyway?

Using the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO88), the following table includes those for which the GSS recorded at least 60 females responses:

Occupation as/in...Cheat %
Real estate agents and appraisers26.3
Writers, sculptors, painters, actors, and other artists21.5
Sales and finance16.6
Engineers and technicians16.3
Social work15.8
Human resources 15.7
Store stockers15.3
Certified nurse assistants14.8
Operations department managers14.7
Domestic help14.3
Machine operators14.0
Building maintenance13.9
Personal care13.7
Hairdressers and beauticians13.2
Retail/wholesale managers12.2
Life sciences12.0
Medical assistants12.0
Secretaries and other office clerks10.3
Retail sales9.4
Sewers and knitters9.1
Office department managers8.3
Bank tellers3.0
Teaching assistants0.0*

Despite the common image of the office secretary doing more for the boss than just taking calls and completing paperwork, it is women in traditionally female job roles who are the most trustworthy. The teaching environment is ideal, with women surrounded by kids, thus fostering the maternal instinct, shared with colleagues who are predominately also women. Excepting accountants, the women who play the man's game as lawyers, financial consultants, property selling, and sales are the most likely to stray. Artsy careers, requiring a high level of openness, are also risky bets. The sheer number of men waitresses inevitably come into contact with means opportunities for flings abound.

GSS variables used: SEX(2), EVSTRAY(1-2), ISCO88, WORDSUM(0-3)(4-5)(6)(7-8)(9-10), COMTYPE(1)(2)(3)(4-5), ATTEND(0)(1-2)(3)(4-5)(6)(7-8)

* Sixty-nine female teaching assistants either currently or previously married answered the question on marital infidelity and not a single one of them reported having strayed. That's not a typo (at least not on my part--I can't speak for the GSS' data entry team!).


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