
Monday, February 13, 2012

On Proposition 8 being struck down

As if you were interested, my reaction to the morally haughty, celebratory spurt of facebook posts from SWPL friends that have cropped up over the course of the last week in response to the US court of appeals in San Francisco's striking down of proposition 8 follows.

Personally, I'm not moved one way or the other on the question of same-sex marriage. The way it's being progressively (heh) shoved down the throats of a generally oppositional but increasingly browbeaten and apathetic public, however, really rubs me the wrong way. Yes, I know the little zinger about blacks and civil rights is tawdry. So I have moments of weakness. Give me a break already!


I wish I had attained such a level of moral enlightenment to be able to summarily reject quite literally millenia of moral teachings from, again, quite literally, every civilization great and small in the history of the world, on account of a perspicaciously unique understanding of what constitutes human dignity. Hubristic? Not in the least!

Regarding the hidebound dissenting judge, he probably clings to the antiquated notion of judicial restraint, preferring instead to let the public set the moral parameters of the democracy they live in instead of having them dictated by a federal judiciary.

At least the 9th circuit soldiers on despite being overturned by the SCOTUS more than any other in the country. And why shouldn't it? The judges were seated in California, after all, the most prosperous, egalitarian, and unified state in the nation. If only the other 49 would follow California's lead, all of our problems would be solved!

And as far as what the actual voters were thinking, we should narrow our target down to "black voters", since they backed Prop 8 70%-30%, while whites narrowly rejected it. Of course, blacks don't know a damn thing about civil rights, so we shouldn't be surprised by their bigoted intolerance.


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