
Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's anybody's Game today, folks

In a post last month considering the relative influence of Steve Sailer and Roissy in presenting the realities of HBD to the general public, OneSTDV excerpted Kudzu Bob making the following comment:
Forget arguing statistics with brainwashed liberals. That's strictly for losers and chumps. If there's a better recruiting tool than "Embrace HBD and get laid," I can't think of what it might be.
There is a glaring problem here. The game phenomenon is billed as being a way to bed beautiful women. Pay attention to these lessons, take notes, practice, and you'll be able to thwart female mechanisms for assessing male desirability that have been honed over the entire course of human evolutionary history. It's akin to what blank slatists maintain regarding virtually everything else. Who you are biologically doesn't matter--with the right education, you'll be able to do anything. Alphas are made, not born.

In an unrelated post, OneSTDV agrees, at least philosophically:
Liberalism feels good because anyone can succeed. And this underpins its success; realist ideologies advocate fatalism and no one likes that.
That's an oversimplification, of course, but I fail to see how pushing the idea that education is the key to success in fornication is comparable to what Steve Sailer writes when it comes to truly comprehending HBD at work in the world. Game is great for gaining insights into what women find desirable, and in that respect the praise heaped upon it is entirely justified.

Randall Parker speaks for many HBDers in praising the game movement (which has morphed into the intellectual sphere in the last few years, but is decades old--I can remember hearing in middle school "Don't hate the player, hate the game", and the like):
Smart guys who are single virgins should be encouraged to use internet dating, PUA techniques, and anything else to hook up with the smartest women they can find and make babies.

Raising fertility of smart people should become a topic of serious discussion among HBD realists.
But my concern is that it is becoming overly idolized, as if Roissy's narrative regarding changing sexual patterns and mores (for which there is essentially no quantitative evidence, a good deal of data suggesting that things have changed little over the last several decades and that, if anything, it is "betas" who are doing more than their fair share of the procreating) is beyond question. To claim that one is an alpha and those who discover holes in and consequently challenge the game narrative are bitter betas of lower social value who should be disregarded would elsewhere be recognized as a typical leftist smear tactic.


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